Ilsa is the, you guessed it, harem keeper for an oil sheik. Just one, not all of them as the title implies. Her employer (who might be Spaulding Grey) is cruel to his people, kidnaps girls from around the world, sells slaves, tortures and kills dissenters, etc. The United States decides to get involved when he... extorts us by threatening to cut off our oil supply! I'll pause here to allow my Canadian friends to get over their disbelief;-)
Once again, Ilsa is sexually frustrated, and as alway, all she needs is some good old American dick. Really, who doesn't? Satin & Velvet, this episode's semi-twin henchbabes, tell Ilsa they should kidnap a male next time, someone special for Ilsa. No, that's not good enough. Ilsa wants a man to come to her of his own will, not in chains. Enter this episode's cock-master.
The American's feel they can get rid of Al Sharif by embarrassing him. Cock-master figures he can go through Ilsa to get the goods. Seeing as this movie is pre-radical Islam (as far as western audiences know) they cannot simply get some zealots together to fight this devil and his perversions. They have to prove to the other cheesy looking stereotypes to find out that he is cheating them.
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Flanked by Satin and Velvet

"How dare you touch me, you filthy beggar!"

"Have him flogged!"

Hey! It's Russ Meyer regular Haji!

A little more Haji

Another RM and Ilsa regular, Uschi Digard!

Ilsa inspects the new inventory

Uschi, threatened with the dreaded rat/crotch cage! Use your imagination :-)

Ilsa with Al Sharif. The first spark of Ilsa's trademark sexual frustration.

Satin and Velvet prepare to punish a traitor.

It's over pretty quickly.

Oh, wait...

OK, a battle cry. You deserve that.

The nut ripping is a bit too much, ladies.

Poor Uschi. What fate awaits you?

"Do these boots make my butt look big?"

Teaching Uschi the Sapphic arts (like she needs instructions from this crew!)

"Lick, Bitch!"
More crazy eyes D.T.
Flanked by Satin and Velvet
"How dare you touch me, you filthy beggar!"
"Have him flogged!"
Hey! It's Russ Meyer regular Haji!
A little more Haji
Another RM and Ilsa regular, Uschi Digard!
Ilsa inspects the new inventory
Uschi, threatened with the dreaded rat/crotch cage! Use your imagination :-)
Ilsa with Al Sharif. The first spark of Ilsa's trademark sexual frustration.
Satin and Velvet prepare to punish a traitor.
It's over pretty quickly.
Oh, wait...
OK, a battle cry. You deserve that.
The nut ripping is a bit too much, ladies.
Poor Uschi. What fate awaits you?
"Do these boots make my butt look big?"
Teaching Uschi the Sapphic arts (like she needs instructions from this crew!)
"Lick, Bitch!"
More crazy eyes D.T.